Weak Direct Current Accelerates Split-Thickness Graft Healing on Tangentially Excised Second-Degree Burns

We have examined the effects of direct current (DC) conducted through silver-nylon dressings on the healing time and morphologic maturation of split-thickness grafts placed on tangentially excised deep partial-thickness burn wounds. Male guinea pigs (n = 120) were used as the experimental hosts. The DC-treated animals required 2 days for complete revascularization of their grafts; control animals required 7 days (p less than 0.01). The DC-treated animals had increased epithelial proliferation at the graft-wound interface as compared with controls (p less than 0.01). Grafts from DC-treated animals were firmly adherent within 4 days, whereas graft adherence in controls was weak before 7 days after grafting. At 3 months after grafting, control animal grafts had mild contraction with moderate hair loss and thick subepidermal fibrosis; the grafts in DC-treated animals expanded with the growth of the animals and had abundant hair growth and significantly reduced dermal fibrosis (p less than 0.01).