Deuteron Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Anthracene Crystals

The room‐temperature electric quadrupole coupling constants |eQΦzz/h| and asymmetry factors η=(Φxx—Φyy)/Φzz for deuterons in single‐crystal anthracene‐d10, have been determined. For all deuteron sites |eQΦzz/h| falls in the range 181±3 kc/sec, and η=0.064±0.013. |Φzz| > |Φyy| > |Φxx| are elements of the diagonalized electric‐field‐gradient tensors at the deuteron sites, with Q the deuteron electric quadrupole moment. Within experimental error, at each site Φzz is along the geometrical C—D bond, and Φyy is normal to the molecule plane.

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