The bioactivity of both bFGF and aFGF in the BALB/MK‐1 cell line has been compared to that of EGF. Our results indicate that, for that cell type, aFGF was far more potent than bFGF in inducing cell proliferation. In the presence of heparin, aFGF was as potent as EGF. In addition, excess bFGF has an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of MK cells exposed to a saturating concentration of aFGF, therefore acting as a partial agonist of aFGF. Surprisingly, bFGF, although it had low biological activity, was capable of synergizing the effect of EGF. In its presence, culturesexposed to saturating concentration of EGF have a final cell density 3‐to 4‐fold higher than that of counterpart cultures exposed to EGF alone. TGFβ, which in previous studies has been shown to inhibit the growth of keratinocytes, also inhibited the growth of BALB/MK‐1 cells in response to either bFGF or aFGF. These studies suggest a role for FGF in regulating BALB/MK proliferation. aFGF provides positive growth signals which can be negatively modulated by excess bFGF or TGFβ, while bFGF, although a poor mitogen, could act by potentiating the effect of subsaturating concentrations of EGF.

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