Talbot, S. (1973).Thorax, 28, 622-626. Valvular heart disease: a study of mortality in the Sheffield population. A study of deaths due to valve disease in the community and in hospital showed that aortic valve disease was a more common cause of sudden death than was mitral valve disease. Mitral valve disease was a frequent cause of death in the elderly, but all valve lesions in the elderly were found more often in the community than in the hospital series; these were often (66%) undiagnosed prior to death, particularly in men. Evidence of combined aortic and mitral valve disease was less often overlooked. Systemic embolism was an important factor influencing admission to hospital and was often the presenting feature. The absence of physical findings was probably not responsible for the poor diagnostic rate in the community series. Auscultation of the heart in asymptomatic men and women over the age of 40 years must become widespread before there will be an improvement in mortality and morbidity of these conditions.