Directional Correlation of Gamma Transitions in Promethium-147

The angular correlations of five different gamma-ray cascades, involving the states of Pm147, excited in the decay of Nd147, have been studied. The observed correlation functions for the various cascades are as follows: W(θ91599)=1+(0.056±0.028)P2(cosθ)(0.0490.034)P4(cosθ); W(θ91442)=1+(0.065±0.020)P2(cosθ)(0.0350.025)P4(cosθ); W(θ400199)=1(0.054±0.020)P2(cosθ)+(0.0430.025)P4(cosθ); W(θ491199)=1+(0.095±0.028)P2(cosθ)+(0.0140.034)P4(cosθ); and W(θ322120)=1+(0.035±0.020)P2(cosθ)(0.0010.025)P4(cosθ). The analysis of the above correlation functions with the ground-state spin of Pm147 as 72, and the consideration of the logft values for the beta transitions from Nd147 state of spin 52, give the spin values for the 91, 413, 491, 533, and 690-kev excited states as 52, 72, 72, 52, and 52, respectively. The data of Bishop et al. and Ambler et al. on nuclear alignment experiments have been reanalyzed. The results are consistent with the above spin assignment of 52 for both the 91- and 533-kev levels.

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