Human serum was subjected to electrophoresis on filter paper and the distr. of lipid studied by applying histochemical and other procedures to the paper strips. Protein patterns were demonstrated by the bromphenol blue method. Lipids were stained by Sudan IV, and cholesterol by the Schultz test. The relative quantities of protein and sudanophilic lipid in the different zones of the electro-phoretogram were estimated by a densitometric method, Two principal lipid bands were recognized, the larger in the beta-globulin region, and the smaller in the albumin zone, and in some cases a lipid zone unassociated with protein was noted at the line of application of the serum. The admn. of heparin intraven., or its addition to serum, rapidly produced a change in the lipid pattern which was more diffuse and extended further toward the anode, as compared with the pre-heparin sample.