Hyperlipidemia Is a Risk Factor for Decreased Cerebral Perfusion and Stroke

• Possible effects of chronically elevated serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels on measurements of cerebral blood flow were investigated by between-group comparisons of individuals, with and without hyperlipidemia, among 56 neurologically normal elderly volunteers and among 102 age-matched patients with symptoms of transient ischemic attacks (TIAs). Results demonstrated significantly higher levels of serum cholesterol and triglyceride among the TIA patients compared with randomly selected agematched normal controls of similar educational and environmental backgrounds. Cerebral blood flow levels were reduced among groups of TIA patients with elevated levels of either cholesterol or triglycerides compared with the TIA patients with normal lipid levels. Similar trends were seen among normal volunteers, but these did not reach levels of statistical significance because of the limited numbers available. Analysis of frequency distributions for risk factors other than hyperlipidemia indicated that hypertension, atherosclerotic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, and cigarette smoking were also more prevalent among TIA patients than among age-matched normal controls.