Two-pion correlations in heavy ion collisions

An application of intensity interferometry to relativistic heavy ion collisions is reported. The correlation between two like-charged pions is used to study the reactions Ar+KCl2π±+X and Ne+NaF2π+X, both at an incident beam energy of 1.8A GeV. Source sizes and lifetimes are measured and compared to the predictions of simple geometric models and of Monte Carlo cascade calculations. There appears to be a substantial coherent component of the pion source, although measurement is complicated by the presence of final state interactions. A detailed discussion of the techniques of intensity interferometry is also presented. The generation of uncorrelated background events is discussed, along with the influence of the correlation on the background and the prescription for its removal. The statistical errors in the background spectrum are examined and found to have nontrivial implications for the analysis. The effect of the mutual Coulomb repulsion of the two pions, and of the pion-nuclear Coulomb interaction, on the two-pion correlation function is analyzed. The impact parameter bias resulting from a two-pion trigger is calculated and found to be substantial. Finally, a simple model for the interpretation of Gaussian source parameters is presented and compared to the predictions of Monte Carlo cascade calculations.