The Radionuclides of Arsenic Produced by Deuteron Bombardment of Germanium

The arsenic produced by a deuteron bombardment of germanium has been studied to determine the nuclides present in the mixture. Identification of the isotopes was made by comparing measured values of half-life and maximum β energy with published values. Counting rates were measured with 4π and coincidence counters, obtaining half-lives which indicated that the nuclidic mixture was made up of As71, As72, As73, As74, and As77. These findings were confirmed by maximum β energy values obtained by absorption measurements and by γ-energy values found using a γ-ray scintillation spectrometer. Measurements indicated that the 40-hr half-life reported for As77 is in error by a significant amount, and that no As76 was obtained from this bombardment. Thick target yield data were determined for each nuclide from the 4π counter measurements.