The kinds and distribution of cephalic sense organs of Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft, 1893) have been determined by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. A total of 18 sense organs occur. All contain the modified endings of sensory dendrites whose cell bodies occur in the region of the nerve ring, some 48 microns (μ) from the head. After noting the number of dendritic endings, their modifications, and the association they make with the cephalic cuticle, it is possible to distinguish five types of sense organs. All of these have a pore through the cuticle, and hence may function as chemoreceptors. One type includes an expanded dendritic ending that contains much dense material between neurotubules, and lies under an infolded flap of cuticle; this ending is probably mechanoreceptive. Hypodermal cells enclose the sensory endings from their tips to a level below their basal bodies, but posteriorly, the dendrites lie freely in the pseudocoelom and form two subdorsal and two sublateral nerves. Just anterior to the circumesophageal nerve ring, the subdorsal nerves unite. These findings are discussed in terms of previous studies.