Measurements of Specific Rates of Net Methyl Mercury Production in the Water Column and Surface Sediments of Acidified and Circumneutral Lakes

Specific rates of mercury methylation and demethylation were determined for water and surficial sediment samples taken from several lakes located in the Experimental Lakes Area, northwestern Ontario. Specific rates of mercury methylation were found to increase with decreasing pH in epilimnetic water samples in which pH was adjusted prior to incubation and in epilimnetic water samples taken from lakes of different pH. Reduction of pH also increased methyl mercury production at the sediment surface. Both increases and decreases in pH reduced specific rates of mercury demethylation. However, these changes were smaller than for methylation. Proportionally, specific rates of methylation increased faster than increasing concentrations of Hg2+, while specific rates of mercury demethylation increased linearly with increasing concentrations of methyl mercury. Overall, this study predicts that the net rate of methyl mercury production in the water column and at the sediment–water surface will increase as a result of lake acidification, and this may at least partially explain why the mercury concentration of fish appears to increase during lake acidification.

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