Diplococcus pneumoniœ, Eberthella typhosa, and Escherichia coli were grown 24 hours at 37.5°C in meat infusion or meat extract culture medium enriched with 1% of peptone, 0.7 to 1.8% of Na2HPO4. 12 H2O, and 1% of glucose. The pneumococcus was grown under anaerobic as well as highly aerobic conditions. The principal products were lactic acid, formic acid, acetic acid, and ethyl alcohol. The last 3 products appeared in the approximate ratio of 2 to 1 to 1. The reactions representing their formation most likely are: Glucose → hexose diphosphate → 2 triosephosphate → glycerophosphate and phosphoglycerate. Glycerophosphate → C2H5OH + HCOOH. Phosphoglycerate → phosphopyruvate → CH3COOH + HCOOH. These are anaerobic mechanisms. Only a trace of CO2 was obtained from pneumococci.