Dust from carpeted and smooth floors. I. Comparative measurements of antigenic and allergenic proteins in dust vacuumed from carpeted and non‐carpeted classrooms in Norwegian schools

Dust samples from fitted‐carpets and linoleum floors in 12 schools in Norway were collected by vacuum cleaning. The presence of antigens and allergens of alder (Alnus incana), birch (Betula verrucosa), timothy (Phleum pratense), mould (Cladosporium herbarum), house dust mite (Dermatophagoides farinae), cat and dog dander, codfish, hen egg white and human dander were investigated by crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE), crossed radio‐immunoelectrophoresis (CRIE) and radio‐allergosorbent test (RAST) inhibition. No qualitative differences in allergen contents of dust from both types of floor tested were noted. Similarly, no relationship could be demonstrated between floor‐type and allergen concentration under identical experimental conditions. Antigens and allergens of both cat and dog were frequently demonstrated in dust extracts. All extracts included human dander and mould allergens. In addition, most dust samples from both carpeted and smooth floors contained hen egg white and codfish allergens. Furthermore, the study demonstrated that dust from smooth floors and fitted‐carpets was relatively free of mite and pollen from alder, birch and timothy.