Pharmacokinetics and protein binding of cis-dichlorodiammine platinum (II) administered as a one hour or as a twenty hour infusion

The pharmacokinetics of cis-dichlorodiamminoplatinum (II) (cisplatin) have been studied in seven patients, of whom four received the drug as a one hour infusion and three received it as a 20 h infusion. The patients receiving the drug over one hour exhibited biphasic clearance of total platinum with a rapid initial phase (8.7–22.5 min) and a prolonged second phase (30.5–106 h). Free (ultrafilterable) cisplatin was readily detectable in this group and was rapidly cleared (half-life about 22 min). The volume of distribution of the drug was 50.3–65.6 liters and it was 26.6–50% excreted in the urine in 48h. In the patients receiving the 20 h infusion, a more complex plasma elimination curve was seen, with the appearance of a secondary peak. Free drug was not detectable in these patients and they showed less urinary excretion (21.4–25.9% at 48 h) than the one hour group. Cisplatin was bound to several plasma proteins, including albumin, transferrin, and γ-globulin. The data indicate that cisplatin is retained in the body more extensively after a 20 h infusion than after a one hour infusion.