Beta- and Gamma-Radiation ofAl28

The beta- and gamma-rays occurring in the decay of Al28 have been measured by means of lens spectrometers using sources activated by the (n,γ) and (d,p) reactions on aluminum. The gamma-ray has an energy of 1.782±0.010 Mev and the beta-ray end point is found to be 2.865±0.010 Mev. The total disintegration energy is consistent with nuclear reaction Q-values linking Al28 and Si28. It is shown that a discrepancy of 0.4 mMU in the Si28-Al27 mass difference exists when reaction data is compared to mass spectroscopic values. A mass for Al27 of 26.990 140±0.000 035 is proposed, based on Si28, P31, and S32 as standards.