Floral biology of the saguaro (Cereus giganteus)

A saguaro cactus (Cereus giganteus) produces an average of 295 flowers per season, each of which produces 286 mg fresh weight of pollen and 543 mg of nectar containing 24% sugar. At 7600 pollen grains/mg pollen, the yearly output per saguaro plant is 6.4×108 grains. Based on the measured saguaro density of 6.56 plants/ha, 553 g/ha of pollen is produced yearly. The enormous variation among individual plants in terms of flower numbers and floral bloom patterns is documented. Honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), the main collectors of saguaro pollen, collect an average of 12.2 mg pollen per foraging trip and can thus harvest 23.5 pollen loads from one flower. An average honey bee colony collects 290 g of saguaro pollen over the season, which is 24.4% of their total intake. Individual colonies exhibit wide variation in pollen collecting activities with some closely tracking the pollen resource and others almost totally ignoring it. The average for seven colonies indicates that even though variation is great the overall trend is toward closely tracking and exploiting the saguaro pollen resource. Based on the pollen productivity of saguaro and a hypothetical 90% pollen harvesting efficiency of bees, the pollen harvest potential of the saguaro environment is 1.72 colony equivalents of pollen/ha and 0.5/ha for saguaro alone. This is the first quantitative reporting of the total pollen productivity and pollen resource utilization for any plant and an opportunistic pollinator.