Microwave spectrum, structure, and quadrupole coupling for the ethylene–hydrogen cyanide complex

Microwave spectra for the complexes ethylene–HCN and ethylene–DCN were observed with the pulsed beam, Fourier transform spectrometer. The complexes are ‘‘T’’ shaped with the HCN hydrogen atom adjacent to the C–C double bond of ethylene. The HCN molecule lies on a line perpendicular to the plane of ethylene and passing through the ethylene center of mass. The HCN carbon atom is 3.702(10) Å above the ethylene plane. The nitrogen quadrupole coupling strength is eQqaa(N)=−4.363(2) MHz for ethylene–HCN and eQqaa(N)=−4.396(3) MHz for ethylene–DCN. The deuterium quadrupole coupling strength is eQqaa(D)=0.178(7) MHz for ethylene–DCN. The anisotropy in the nitrogen quadrupole coupling eQ(qbbqcc)(N) is 0.013(3) MHz for ethylene–HCN and 0.047(12) MHz for ethylene–DCN. The rotational constants are Centrifugal distortion constants DJ and DJK were obtained.