Notizen: Synthetische Analoga des Corticotropins Zur Bedeutung der aminoterminalen Sequenz Ser-Tyr-Ser für die adrenocorticotrope Wirkung

The effectof each of three amino-terminal amino acids on the activity of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) was tested in analogues of the ACTH amide. When serine in position 1 was replaced by glycine the resulting analogue showed the same activity as the initial amide. The activity of the second analogue in which tyrosine in position 2 was replaced by phynylalanine showed that the phenolic hydroxyl of tyrosine is not essential for the adrenocorticotropic activity. The compound formed when serine in position 3 was replaced by alanine also showed ACTH activity. The fourth analogue in which serine in position 1 was eliminated also showed ACTH activity although in the absence of serine the a-amino group was shifted spatially to another position.