Low-temperature magnetism in icosahedral Al70Mn9Pd21

We report measurements of the specific heat Cp(T), magnetic susceptibility χ(T), and magnetization M(H) of icosahedral Al70 Mn9 Pd21 at low temperatures. Below room temperature, the static magnetic susceptibility is well described by a Curie-Weiss-type law above 50 K with a paramagnetic Curie temperature FTHETA=-108 K, implying fairly strong antiferromagnetic coupling between individual Mn moments. The Curie constant is compatible with a mean effective moment peff=1.7 μB/(Mn atom). The ac susceptibility shows a spin-glass-like maximum at 0.5 K, which, in view of the value of FTHETA, implies a high degree of frustration. The saturation magnetization and the magnetic specific-heat data below 10 K both indicate a very low concentration of magnetic moments (1.2% of all Mn atoms) as being involved in the spin-glass transition. Comparisons are made with previously reported data for highly frustrated spin glasses.