πpInteractions at 224 Mev

Interactions of 224-Mev negative pions with protons were investigated using a 15-cm hydrogen bubble chamber in a 13-kgauss field. Seventeen hundred elastic scatterings were analyzed yielding a cross section of 16.0±0.8 mb for this process. No evidence for powers of cosθ higher than two was observed in the angular distribution. The charge-exchange cross section, based on 1200 events was 34.4±1.9 mb. The results of a random-search phase-shift analysis, using these data in conjunction with earlier π+p elastic scattering results and recoil proton polarization measurements (πp), are reported. A search for pion production yielded three events of the type π+pπ+π++n corresponding to a cross section of ∼30 μb. No events of the type π+pπ+π0+p were observed.