Differential Staining of Tannin in Sections of Epoxy-Embedded Plant Cells

A staining procedure is described for the light microscopic localization of ergastic tannins in epoxy sections of plant cells embedded for study by transmission electron microscopy. Callus and cell suspensions of Pseudotsuga menziesii and Pinus taeda fixed in glutaraldehyde:acrolein and then OsO4, followed by epoxy embedding, were sectioned 0.5 μn thick, stained on a glass slide with ethanolic Sudan black B at 60 C as described by Bronner, and then mounted in Karo syrup. Tannin deposits stained brownish-orange and were easily distinguished from lipid bodies of similar size, which stained dark blue to black, and from starch grains, which were unstained. The significance of this differential polychromasia was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. This staining proadure should prove valuable in the cytoplasmic evaluation of the plant cell ergastics (especially tannins) via light microscopy whether or not electron microscopic examination is intended.