KL0Three-Body Decays and the|ΔI|=12Rules

The absolute decay rate of KL0 into three-body charged modes, ΓL(ch), was measured in a spark-chamber-counter experiment. The result is ΓL(ch)=(15.1±1.9)×106 sec1. The partial rates in KL0 decay are obtained from this value and previously measured branching ratios. The results are in agreement with values obtained by requiring internal consistency among all measured KL0 decay rates, absolute and relative. Comparison with the conjugate K+ partial decay rates is in agreement with the predictions of the |ΔI|=12 rules for both leptonic and nonleptonic decays. As by-products of this investigation we have (a) measured the lifetime of KS0, (b) searched for coherent interference between KL0 and KS0 through their decays into two charged pions, and (c) verified the vector nature of the coupling in the leptonic decays of KL0.

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