The nutritive value of legume husks

There are three by-products obtained from the preparation of legume seeds for human consumption which are marketed as supplemental animal foods, namely, the seed-coats (testa) which are removed from beans, peas and lentils. They are known commercially by various names, “skins,” “shells,” “husks,” “hulls” and as “offals.” They are used extensively in the East for the nutrition of cattle, where dehusked legumes enter so largely into the dietary of humans. Bean, pea and lentil husks are all used for stock feeding in Britain, and it was the frequency with which pea husks were found in commercial sheep-feeding mixtures sent for examination, and the knowledge that considerable consignments of bean shells are from time to time imported, that led to this enquiry into their nutritive value. Previous to the adoption of the Foodstuffs and Fertilisers Act, 1926, bean husks were imported into Britain in larger quantities than is at present the case, some of them being ground and added to bean meal, a practice which one has reason to believe has now ceased. Bean husks are seldom fed as such to cattle in Britain, but in France they are given to dairy cows and horses. For cows they are mixed with beet pulp, oil cakes and bran with, it is stated, good results. For horses they are mixed with oats, and an informant, a farmer from Cambrai, mixes them in equal proportions with oats for his working horses, giving to each 30 litres per day. It is claimed that the addition of the husks causes a more complete mastication of the oats and that horses do well on the mixture.

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