Tectonic Setting and Petrology of Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks in the Maksyutov Complex, Ural Mountains, Russia

The Maksyutov metamorphic complex is the first locality where coesite pseudomorphs in garnet were described. The importance of this discovery was not understood until ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism was independently recognized in the Dora Maira Massif of the western Alps and the Western Gneiss Region of Norway. The coesite pseudomorphs are significant because they suggest that the lower unit of the Maksyutov complex probably underwent UHP metamorphism at depths greater than 80 km in a paleosubduction zone. The Maksyutov complex, situated in the southern Ural Mountains of Russia, forms an elongate N-S belt along the boundary between the European and Russian plates. The complex contains two superimposed tectonic unitsa lower eclogite-bearing schist unit that underwent high-pressure (HP) to UHP metamorphism and an upper meta-ophiolite unit subjected to blueschist/greenschist-facies metamorphism. The lower unit lithologies range from quartzofeldspathic, to graphite-rich, to mafic-ultramafic compositions. Mineral assemblages of the metamorphosed mafic rocks include: (1) coesite (as pseudomorphs) + garnet + omphacite + rutile + zoisite; (2) jadeite + quartz (coesite) + garnet + kyanite ± paragonite; (3) garnet + omphacite + barroisite + rutile; and (4) garnet + glaucophane + lawsonite. The upper unit is characterized by sheets of serpentinite that contain lawsonite-bearing metarodingite and rare calcium-rich eclogite. A metamorphosed melange containing blocks of ultramafic, eclogite, and quartz-jadeite rocks is situated between the two units. The UHP metamorphic event that affected the lower unit is characterized by recumbent folding and shear zones. Subsequent large-scale, left-lateral strike-slip movements deformed both tectonic units. These deep-crustal metamorphic structures are oriented at high angles relative to the younger, N-S-trending Main Uralian thrust and the left-lateral strike-slip movement that displaced the Maksyutov block.