Spallation of Aluminum by 28-GeV Protons

In the bombardment of Al foils with 28-GeV protons the following cross sections (in mb) for production of the indicated nuclides were obtained: Be7, 7.9±0.5; F18, 6.0±0.3; C11, 4.7±0.2; Na22, 9.8±0.6; N13, 1.18±0.07; Na24, 8.3±0.5; O15, 3.5±1.0; Mg27, 0.067±0.006. An upper limit for the Ne24 cross section of 0.6 mb was obtained. The Mg27 cross section has been corrected for secondary reactions and represents only production by primary protons, presumably by the (p, pπ+) reaction. The measurements were made relative to the production of C11 activity in polyethylene and polystyrene foils. The production of Be7 in the plastic foils was also observed and corresponds to a cross section of 7.7±0.4 mb per carbon nucleus. By comparison of these cross sections with those at lower bombarding energies, no significant trend of the excitation functions is observable.