Every one with any surgical experience will agree that difficulties in voiding play a major role in post-operative discomfort. The closer the field of operation approaches the bladder region, the greater the difficulty in voiding spontaneously and the greater the discomfort from overdistention. Hence, the postoperative care of the bladder concerns the gynecologist more than any other surgeon. In recounting their hospital experiences, patients frequently mention the discomfort from overdistention or from catheterization among their most unpleasant memories. There is, however, an even more important reason than the patient's comfort for the proper handling of the bladder after operation. Many chronic and serious urinary tract lesions have their origin in mismanagement of the bladder at this time. In our experience in female urologic conditions we have been struck with the frequency with which patients date their illnesses from trouble in emptying the bladder after operation. In 1925 a routine was