High-temperature sphalerons

The SU(2) part of electroweak gauge theory has sphaleronlike configurations even in its symmetric phase (temperature T>Tc) which mediate baryon-number-violating processes. These sphalerons sit on top of a potential barrier (which we construct explicitly) whose height rises linearly with T, and always exceeds T by a substantial factor. Such symmetric sphalerons are entirely nonperturbative, and we can at present only give lower bounds to the potential height, that is, the sphaleron mass Ms. In terms of the Boltzmann factor exp(βMs)eA, when TTc, A is a pure number independent of both T and g, the electroweak coupling constant. We estimate 13<A40, corresponding to a Boltzmann factor between 2×106 and 4×1018. We do not discuss the full problem of small fluctuations around the sphaleron (necessary to find sphaleron-induced rates from the Boltzmann factor) but our explicitly constructed potential barrier gives a reasonable estimate of the single imaginary eigenvalue of small fluctuations. We also investigate high-temperature sphalerons in the presence of a finite baryon-number density, or equivalently a tachyonic Chern-Simons mass term. Such a term tends to reduce the sphaleron mass and increase the Boltzmann factor; the sphaleron never becomes tachyonic, no matter how large the expectation value of the Chern-Simons density.