Two-dimensional discrete solitons in rotating lattices

We introduce a two-dimensional discrete nonlinear Schrödinger (DNLS) equation with self-attractive cubic nonlinearity in a rotating reference frame. The model applies to a Bose-Einstein condensate stirred by a rotating strong optical lattice, or light propagation in a twisted bundle of nonlinear fibers. Two types of localized states are constructed: off-axis fundamental solitons (FSs), placed at distance R from the rotation pivot, and on-axis (R=0) vortex solitons (VSs), with vorticities S=1 and 2. At a fixed value of rotation frequency Ω, a stability interval for the FSs is found in terms of the lattice coupling constant C, 0<C<Ccr(R), with monotonically decreasing Ccr(R). VSs with S=1 have a stability interval, C̃cr(S=1)(Ω)<C<Ccr(S=1)(Ω), which exists for Ω below a certain critical value, Ωcr(S=1). This implies that the VSs with S=1 are destabilized in the weak-coupling limit by the rotation. On the contrary, VSs with S=2, that are known to be unstable in the standard DNLS equation, with Ω=0, are stabilized by the rotation in region 0<C<Ccr(S=2), with Ccr(S=2) growing as a function of Ω. Quadrupole and octupole on-axis solitons are considered too, their stability regions being weakly affected by Ω0.
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