Study of Second Excited2+States of Some Even-Even Nuclei by Beta-Gamma Angular Correlations

Beta-gamma directional correlations of several first-forbidden β transitions leading to second excited states of even-even nuclei (β2 transitions) have been studied. The energy-dependence of the β directional correlation factor A2(β) in the βγ correlation function W(θ)=1+A2(β)A2(γ)P2(cosθ) has been measured for the β2 transitions of As76, Sb122, I126, Sb124, and La140, and the reduced β coefficient R2(W)=A2(β)(λ2p2W) was determined. In all cases R2(W) was found to be very different from R1(W), the reduced β factor describing the β1 transition to the first excited state of the daughter nucleus. The results indicate that the relative magnitudes of the nuclear β-matrix elements in the β1 transition and in the β2 transition are significantly different, although the ft values are very similar. The implication of these experimental results for the structure of first and second excited states of even-even spherical nuclei is discussed.