Precocious Germination during In Vitro Growth of Soybean Seeds

Immature Glycine max (L.) Merrill seeds were grown and matured in liquid medium at 25°C under fluorescent light. In standard medium containing minerals, 146 millimolar sucrose and 62.5 millimolar glutamine (osmolality 0.24), precocious germination seldom occurred with a starting seed size of less than 300 milligrams fresh weight. Frequency of precocious germination increased with increased starting seed size. Sucrose concentration strongly affected precocious germination while glutamine concentration had no effect. Starting with 300 to 350 milligrams fresh weight seeds, treatments which reduced the sucrose concentration or lowered the osmolality of the culture medium stimulated precocious germination, and increased the fresh weight growth but not the dry weight growth of seeds. Increasing the osmolality to 0.38 with sucrose or mannitol prevented precocious germination without reducing dry weight accumulation in seeds. In medium with initially low osmolality, precocious germination was inhibited by addition of 1 to 100 micromolar abscisic acid to the medium without a reduction in seed growth. During growth and maturation of large soybean seeds in vitro, precocious germination and other abnormal tissue growth can be prevented by high sucrose or mannitol concentrations in the medium or by addition of abscisic acid.