Elevated Histaminase (Diamine Oxidase) Activity in Small-Cell Carcinoma of the Lung

To investigate the possible embryologic relation between small-cell carcinoma of the lung and medullary thyroid carcinoma, we measured plasma histaminase (an enzyme found in medullary carcinoma tissue) in 25 patients with small-cell tumors. The assays used histamine and putrescine as substrates. Thirty-two per cent of the patients by the histamine assay, and 31 per cent by the putrescine, had values greater than +2 S.D. from the mean for 63 normal persons. In contrast, among 20 patients with squamous and large-cell lung tumors, one (by the histamine assay), and two (by the putrescine) had elevated values. In four of five autopsy cases, histaminase was high in small-cell carcinoma tissue. The enzyme in plasma and in tumor behaved as classic histaminase in substrate specificity, and in response to inhibitors.