A FEW INSTANCES of Geotrichum infection of the bronchopulmonary system have been described,1 but, as far as can be ascertained, no case of septicemia or mycethemia due to Geotrichum has ever been recorded in the medical literature. The clinical response to neomycin, despite the advanced age of the patient, a diabetic under poor control, is another point of interest in the case here reported. REPORT OF CASE I. W., a white man 79 years of age, complained of extreme weakness, anorexia, loss of weight, chills, and fever in August, 1950. Clinical History. —The patient had been in good health until 1947, when diabetes mellitus was discovered. He did well with a controlled diet and a daily dose of 25 units of protamine zinc insulin injection until April, 1949, when he accidentally burned his left lower leg. The diabetes then became very much aggravated; he spilled large amounts of sugar