A previous analysis (Clark, Sullivan, and Treacy 1968) of the 12C-oc elastic scattering data indicated that a single-level fit to the p-wave phase shifts (Fig. 1) was satisfactory near the resonance energy, but that a multilevel analysis would be required to fit the phase shifts across the full energy range. In this note such an analysis is considered and in particular, an IX-particle width is assigned to the 1- levels in 160 at excitation energies of 7�116 and 9�59 MeV. A quantitative knowledge of the reduced width of the 7 �116 MeV level is of importance in astrophysical calculations, since the level is suspected to have a large IX-particle reduced width (Fowler and Hoyle 1964) and consequently, although energy bound by 46 keV, its influence on the production rate of 160 in stellar interiors may be substantial.