Detectingt-quark pairs atp¯pcolliders using transverse dilepton masses and jets

Hadronic tt¯ production with semileptonic decays of either or both t and t¯ quarks gives distinctive transverse-momentum correlations of electrons (or muons) and neutrinos. Multiple semileptonic modes of the tbcs decay cascades are statistically quite probable, but explicit calculations show that they scarcely affect the eν correlations. Opposite-sign dileptons, coming mainly from primary semileptonic decays of t and t¯ together, have correlations that also reflect the t-quark mass, but less decisively than the eν correlations. Events with large missing pT and no identified leptons are also expected, at a rate comparable to high-pT charged leptons. Distinctive broad jet signatures are also expected for all these events, with specific correlations of the trigger lepton and jet momenta.