Complement-Fixing Murine Typhus Antibodies in Vitamin Deficiency States.

The effect of various vitamin deficiencies on complement-fixing antibody production in male white rats when injd. with purified suspensions of inactive murine typhus rickettsiae (Rickettsia typhi) was studied. The rats were maintained on diets that were (1) adequate in vit. B complex, (2) 1/10th optimal level of vit. B complex, (3) totally deficient in vit. B complex, (4) pantothenic acid-deficient, and (5) thiamin- '' deficient. These studies indicate that rats on an optimum vit. B complex diet produce complement-fixing antibodies when immunized with large amts. of murine typhus rickettsiae. Likewise, rats maintained on a diet containing only 1/10 of the presumed optimum also have the ability to produce these same antibodies to approx. the same titers. Pantothenic acid and thiamin deficiencies influenced the antibody response only when a small amt. of immunizing material was injd.