Magnetic Characteristics of Dysprosium, Erbium, and Thulium Hydrides

Magnetization—temperature data are presented for the hydrides DyH1.97 to DyH2.97, ErH1.96 to ErH3.02 and TmH1.99 to TmH2.95 and for the three parent metals. Of the 15 hydrides examined only the Dy hydrides exhibited magnetic ordering. These hydrides showed a Néel point at nearly the same temperature as that found earlier for HoH2, 8°K. The susceptibilities followed the Curie—Weiss law over most of the paramagnetic region with an effective moment nearly that of the free tripositive ion. Deviations from the Curie—Weiss law noted at low temperatures are attributed to crystal-field effects. The absence of magnetic ordering in the saturated hydrides is ascribed to the fact that these hydrides lack conduction electrons, which are essential for the magnetic coupling.