Antigenic profile of the rat chondrocyte

Hetero- and alloantisera were obtained following hyperimmunization of nonsensitized New Zealand rabbits and dark agouti (DA) rats with washed chondrocytes which had been enzymatically isolated from the long bone cartilage of 17–19-day-old rat fetuses of the Fischer strain. Analyses of these antisera by PVP hemagglutination, dye-exclusion cytotoxicity, and indirect immunofluorescence indicated the presence of major histocompatibility antigens, as well as tissue-specific antigens on chondrocytes. Serologic specificity of reactions was demonstrated by serum absorptions and appropriate controls. These findings support previous work suggesting that chondrocytes are endowed with major histocompatibility antigens. The significance of these findings in relation to rheumatoid arthritis is discussed.