The order of magnitude of the (orbital) diamagnetic susceptibility of a free-electron gas is investigated for the case of "small" systems. A small system is, by definition, one whose characteristic linear dimensions are very much less than the radii of the average classical electronic orbits in an applied dc magnetic field. For the case of plane-slab geometry, exactly the Landau susceptibility (i.e., no size effect) is obtained for Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics. Furthermore, on the basis of the latter calculation, it is explicitly demonstrated that the use of the WKB approximation leads to a spurious size effect, suggesting that this (or equivalent) approximations may be responsible for size corrections found by other authors. For the degenerate case, the Landau result is also obtained, to within a numerical factor. Finally, no size correction is obtained in the small size limit for an electron gas confined by a harmonic potential well; this further suggests that the Landau result is independent of the choice of boundary potential.

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