Hyperfine Relaxation of Optically PumpedRb87Atoms in Buffer Gases

The hyperfine relaxation of a population difference, produced by optical pumping, between the F=1 mF=0 and F=2 mF=0 energy levels of the ground state of Rb87, has been studied in cells containing neon, argon, helium, or krypton as a buffer gas. The relaxation times T1 and T2 have been measured as a function of the rubidium vapor pressure in the cell. The relaxation rate due to spin exchange in Rb87-Rb87 collisions has been found equal to 65 sec1 at 44°C, and the diffusion coefficients of Rb87 atoms in He, Ne, and Ar evaluated as 0.6, 0.31, and 0.22 cm2 sec1, respectively. The cross section for Rb87-Ne and Rb87-Ar collisions are found to be 1.6×1022 cm2 and 9×1022 cm2. These values are in general agreement with values previously obtained by other methods. The extrapolated values of 1T2 for zero vapor pressure of rubidium are 185, 237, and 318 sec1 for Ne, He, or Ar, respectively. Relaxations by the pumping light or by the magnetic field inhomogeneities are also discussed.