Projection Reconstruction Techniques for Reduction of Motion Effects in MRI

Projection reconstruction (PR) techniques are shown to have intrinsic advantages over spin‐warp (2DFT) methods with respect to diminished artifacts from respiratory motion. The benefits result from (1) portrayal of artifacts as radial streaks, with the amplitude smallest near the moving elements; (2) streak deployment perpendicular to the direction of motion of moving elements and often residing outside the anatomic boundaries of the subject; (3) inherent signal averaging of low spatial frequencies from oversampling of central k‐space data. In addition, respiratory‐ordered view angle (ROVA) acquisition is found to diminish residual streaking significantly by reducing interview inconsistencies. Comparisons of 2DFT and PR acquisitions are made with and without ROVA. Reconstructions from magnitude‐only projections are found to have increased streaks from motion‐induced phase shifts.© 1992 Academic Press,Inc.