The seniority-zero excited-state spectrum of the Hamiltonian H=Σk>0εk(akak+akak)G Σk,l>0akakalal is studied in detail. Approximate excited-state wave functions of the form ψλ=ΣαF(λ,α)ΣiD(α,i)aiaiΣj>iD(α,j)ajaj|0 are developed. These solutions are compared with exact solutions of a small system and the agreement is quite good. A somewhat larger system is studied in order to see how the excited-state spectrum changes as the number of separable functions is increased. The method is applied to heavy nuclei and is in good agreement with observed 0+ excited states for nuclei having 144 to 150 neutrons. A theoretical 0+ spectrum is displayed for each even neutron system from 144 to 152 neutrons.