A wide selection of tests for exponentiality is discussed and compared. Power computations, using simulations, were done for each procedure. Certain tests (e.g. Gnedenko (1969), Lin and Mudholkar (1980), Harris (1376), Cox and Oakes (1384), and Deshpande (1983)) performed well for alternative distributions with non-monotonic hazard rates, while others (e.g. Deshpande (1983), Gail and Gastwirth (1978), Kolmogorov-Smirnov (LillViefors (1969)), Hahn and Shapiro (1967), Hollander and Proschan (1972), and Cox and Oakes (1984)) fared well for monotonic hazard rates. Of all the procedures compared, the score test presented in Cox and Oakes (1984) appears to be the best if one does not have a particular alternative in mind.