Energy Levels ofNe21andNe23

The energies of twenty-seven excited states of Ne21 and seventeen of Ne23 have been established by a study of the (d, p) reactions in Ne20 and in Ne22. Seven deuteron bombarding energies between 4.75 and 7.5 Mev were used, and the target was a cell with thin windows, containing either natural or Ne22-enriched neon gas. The proton groups emitted at 90 degrees were analyzed with a broad-range magnetic spectrograph. The established calibration of the spectrograph, in terms of alpha particles from polonium, together with some well-known reactions, provided the data necessary for precise energy determinations. The Q values obtained for the ground-state reactions Ne20(d, p)Ne21 and Ne22(d, p)Ne23 were 4.534±0.009 Mev and 2.791±0.009 Mev, respectively. Deuteron groups inelastically scattered from Ne20 and Ne22 were also observed. The higher energy groups were used in the calibration procedure; the lower energy groups gave the results 4.250±0.008 Mev and 3.356±0.008 Mev for the second excited states of Ne20 and Ne22, respectively. The interpretation of the level schemes of Ne21 and Ne23 in terms of the collective model has been considered and is discussed here briefly.

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