Poly-2′-deoxy-2′-fluoro-cytidylic acid: enzymatic synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and interaction with poly-inosinic acid

The polymerization of 2'deoxy-2'-fluoro-cytidine-diphosphate (dCflDP) by polynucleotide phosphorylase is barely detectable in the presence of Mg++ under usual experimental conditions for polymerization of nucleoside diphosphates. High concentrations of enzyme have to be used to accomplish the synthesis. Mn++ is a better activator than Mg++ for the reaction. cCflDP inhibits the polymerization of CDP and has a Km=8.8X10-3M, six times higher than CDP.- The polymer, poly (dCfl), ressembles in many respects poly(C), but not poly(dC): the acid selfstructure forms at similar pK's; interaction with poly(I) yields a 1:1 complex the CD spectrum of which is similar to that of poly(I).poly(C). Finally, the Tm's of poly(I).poly(dCfl) are comparable to those of poly(I).poly(C).