An absolute determination of uranium reaction rates by means of foil irradiation was carried out in the Fast Zero Power Reactor SNEAK, assembly 3A-2 This requires the measurement of reactionrate traverses as well as their fine structure. These rate distributions were compared with transport and diffusion calculations. The traverse measurements indicate a strong dependence of the axial “buckling” (relative second derivative of the rates) on energy. The calculations with the Karlsruhe SNEAK cross-section set and the Russian ABN set yield these bucklings for 238U capture and 235U fission in diffusion approximation on the average 5% higher than measured. Only the fast-fission rate distribution of 238U is almost correctly calculated using the cross-section sets. The ratio of total plutonium production to 235u fission along the z axis was measured and compared with theory. It agrees within the error limits of the experiment. Beyond the error limits are the discrepancies found for the spectral index σƒ28ƒ25 The fine structure of reaction rates within the fuel platelets is well described by an integral transport code, but again, there are considerable discrepancies between calculated and measured fission-rate ratios.