1. The effects of secretin on inotropic and chronotropic activity were investigated in nine isolated canine atrium preparations which were suspended in a bath and perfused with arterial blood from a carotid artery of a heparinized donor dog. 2. Secretin administered into the cannulated sinus node artery in a dose range of 0.1–10 units produced a dose-related positive inotropic and a biphasic chronotropic effect. 3. The positive chronotropic and inotropic responses to secretin were not suppressed by treatment with alprenolol in doses which blocked responses to noradrenaline. 4. The negative chronotropic response to secretin was not blocked by atropine in doses which blocked the response to acetylcholine. 5. After treatment with glucagon, secretin produced dose-related negative chronotropic and a positive inotropic effects. Thus glucagon may antagonize the positive chronotropic effect of secretin. 6. From these results, it is concluded that secretin has a direct effect on atrial rate and contractility.