Monte Carlo approach to multiparticle production in a quark-parton model

We present a simple Monte Carlo quark-parton model based on the following intuitive picture: During a hadron-hadron collision gluons are first converted to Q Q¯ pairs. Then a compound system is formed in which quarks and antiquarks are distributed according to longitudinal phase space modified by Kuti-Weisskopf weight factors, pressing valence quarks to higher values of momentum fractions x. Quark-antiquark pairs and QQQ and Q¯Q¯Q¯ triplets (whose members are nearby in rapidity) form hadrons in the SU(6) 35-plet of mesons and 56-plets of baryons and antibaryons. Stable hadrons observed in the final state are to a large extent decay products of resonances. Results on multiplicities and inclusive spectra are compared with the data.