Photorefractive properties of strontium-barium niobate

We have grown and optically characterized strontium-barium niobate crystals, including both undoped and cerium-doped crystals having two different Sr/Ba ratios (61/39 and 75/25). By measuring the coupling of two optical beams in the crystals, we have determined the following photorefractive properties: the effective density, sign, and spectral response of the dominant charge carrier, the grating formation rate, dark conductivity, and carrier diffusion length. We find that electrons are the dominant photorefractive charge carriers in all of our samples; the typical density of photorefractive charges is ∼1×1016 cm−3 in the undoped samples. The grating formation rate increases with intensity, with a slope of ∼0.3 cm2/(W s) over an intensity range of ∼1–15 W/cm2 in undoped samples. Cerium doping improves both the charge density (increased by a factor of ∼3) and the response rate per unit intensity (∼5 times faster).