Increased Production and Utilization of Circulating Glucose During Growth Hormone Regimen.

The effect of a growth hormone regimen on the turnover rate of the glucose pool in the unanesthetized hypophysectomized dog was studied with the aid of an isotope dilution technique. Minute amounts of uniformly labeled C14 glucose were given intravenously to the dog in the postabsorptive state by an initial priming injection, followed by a continuous constant infusion. Concentration of plasma glucose and its C14 content were determined in samples of blood drawn at intervals. The untreated hypo-physectomized dog had smaller body glucose pool and a lower rate of glucose turnover, i.e., a lower rate of glucose utilization by the tissues and glucose production by the liver, than the normal dog. Growth hor-mone treatment for 4-5 days in the hypophysectomized dog resulted in an increased rate of glucose release by the liver and plasma glucose uptake by the tissues.