Elastic Averaging in Flexure Mechanisms: A Muliti-Beam Parallelogram Flexure Case-Study

Over-constraint is an important concern in mechanism design because it can lead to a loss in desired mobility. In distributed-compliance flexure mechanisms, this problem is alleviated due to the phenomenon of elastic averaging, thus enabling performance-enhancing geometric arrangements that are otherwise unrealizable. The principle of elastic averaging is illustrated in this paper by means of a multi-beam parallelogram flexure mechanism. In a lumped-compliance configuration, this mechanism is prone to over-constraint in the presence of nominal manufacturing and assembly errors. However, with an increasing degree of distributed-compliance, the mechanism is shown to become more tolerant to such geometric imperfections. The nonlinear load-stiffening and elasto-kinematic effects in the constituent beams have an important role to play in the over-constraint and elastic averaging characteristics of this mechanism. Therefore, a parametric model that incorporates these nonlinearities is utilized in predicting the influence of a representative geometric imperfection on the primary motion stiffness of the mechanism. The proposed model utilizes a beam generalization so that varying degrees of distributed compliance are captured using a single geometric parameter.